C4E Technology GmbH
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg
Phone:+49 9561 866-3500
E-Mail: info (at) c4etechnology.com
Management board:
Michael Kapp
Commercial register · HRB 5763
VAT ID No.: DE 308360346
The internet offer is compiled and kept up-to-date as conscientiously as possible. C4E Technology GmbH cannot, however, guarantee that the data are free of errors, accurate or complete and therefore assumes no liability for loss or damage of any kind incurred directly or indirectly through the use of the online offer of this website. C4E Technology GmbH also declines any liability for website offers of other operators that visitors of this website access through the links embedded here. Liability for such third parties contents rests solely with their owners.
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All texts, pictures, graphics, animation, videos, sounds and any other contents of this website and their layout are protected by copyright and other protective laws. We emphasize that some pictures on this website are liable to the rights of third parties. The afore-mentioned contents may not be duplicated, modified or used in other electronic or printed publications without the prior consent of C4E Technology GmbH. Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks are protected under trademark laws, especially the C4E Technology GmbH trademarks, logos, emblems and nameplates. The patents and trademarks presented on this website are the intellectual property of C4E Technology GmbH.
Responsible positions
Responsible for content according § 55 passage 2 RStV
Anuschka Friedrich
Manager Communication / Marketing
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg
Responsible position in the name of the German law BDSG
C4E Technology GmbH
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg
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